GCMS-QP2050 Single Quadrupole GC-MS

Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer


The GCMS-QP2050 with the new DuraEase ion source maximizes uptime and sensitivity while requiring minimum maintenance, which can be completed in just a few minutes and a few simple steps.

New cost-effective ion source design allows customers to replace DuraEase source when needed, maintaining pristine condition. The built-in pre-rod allows only the ions to efficiently pass through, limiting contamination of the quadrupole.

Advantages of the Single Quad GCMS-QP2050

    • DetectorThe new model is equipped with both the latest noise suppression technology and high amplification performance, and can accurately assess even trace ions
    • Quadrupole RodsBy significantly improving mass separation performance and ion transmittance, the system achieves the industry's highest level of scan speed (30,000 u/sec)
    • Interface | The new interface has been optimized to ensure a uniform temperature distribution
    • DuraEase Ion Source | DuraEase technology enables this next-generation ion source to achieve the industry's highest level of sensitivity, durability, and ease of maintenance.
    • Long-life Filament | Highly durable new filament has an operating life about five times longer than usual
    • Equipment Size | 20% slimmer than the GCMS-QP2010SE

Flexibility Where it Matters

The new GCMS can be partnered with the Brevis GC-2050 or Nexis GC-2030 to meet all customers performance and spatial needs.

Mass Spec Flexibility



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