Prepare a microorganism colony (or culture fluid). No prior gram staining or morphological evaluation is required. No specialized experience or...
AXIMA Microorganism Identification System

Identify microorganisms in under 2 minutes!
The AXIMA Microorganism Identification System presents a new solution for the identification of microorganisms for microorganism research in the pharmaceutical, food, science, energy, environment, clinical and health fields.
Applicable Fields
- Identification of microorganisms in food manufacturing
- Creating comprehensive tree diagrams of environmental microorganisms
- Identification of new effective microorganisms for drug discovery
- Monitoring to manage and maintain microorganism libraries
- Monitoring of microorganisms and infectious bacteria in clinical fields
Sample Preparation
Prepare a microorganism colony (or culture fluid). No prior gram staining or morphological evaluation is required. No specialized experience or...
The reliable databases provide powerful support for microorganism identification.
Unrivalled comprehensive microorganism database
Fully validated spectrum database...
Strain Solution (option)
Highly-accurate Bacterial Characterization Using Fast and Simple MALDI-TOF MS
Strain Solution software uses a MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer, based on...
Shimadzu MALDI iD-Plus
MALDI iDPlus can be used to reliably identify micro-organisms in water, wastewater, and bio-solids. The customizable database offers great flexibility for a range of environmental samples.
News / Events
ASMS 2025
June 1-5
Baltimore Convention Center
Baltimore, MD -
Shimadzu’s MALDI EasyCare Upgrade for MALDI-8000 Series TOF Mass Spectrometers Helps to Maintain Optimal Performance for Challenging Applications
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments introduces its MALDI EasyCare solution that provides a convenient way for users of the MALDI-8000 Series TOF Mass Spectrometers to perform routine upkeep on the system.
ASMS (American Society for Mass Spectrometry) 2024
June 2-6
Anaheim Convention Center
Anaheim, California
Shimadzu opens the door to biomolecular imaging for all with new compact MALDI-TOF imaging solution
Benchtop MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometer Featuring Integrated MegaDalton Ion Detection
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, in collaboration with CovalX Instruments Inc., introduces the OmegaTOF benchtop high mass matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometer. The OmegaTOF system couples Shimadzu’s benchtop MALDI-TOF instrument platform (MALDI-8020) with established technology for high mass detection from CovalX. The result is a user-friendly, compact platform that extends benchtop MALDI-TOF analysis to a mass range of 1.5 MegaDalton.
New Benchtop MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometer Features Dual-Polarity Ion Source
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments introduces the MALDI-8030 benchtop linear matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometer. Like its predecessor, innovative instrument design enables the MALDI-8030 to achieve performance specifications similar to those of larger, more expensive MALDI-TOF models in a significantly smaller footprint. This user-friendly compact instrument expands on the successful benchtop format of the MALDI-8020 by offering both positive-ion and negative-ion analysis.