Benchtop MALDI-TOF Imaging Starter Kit - Features

All-inclusive design

The Shimadzu Benchtop Imaging Kit contains all the components necessary to conduct imaging experiments on your Shimadzu MALDI Benchtop Instrument (not including the MALDImini). 

Benchtop MALDI-TOF Imaging Starter Kit Contents
1 FlexiVision™-mini ITO slides
(2 packs of 25 slides)
Single-use glass slides custom-sized to fit in MALDI-8020™/ MALDI-8030™ mass spectrometers when assembled with Adaption™-mini glass slide adapter
2 Adaption-mini carrier Used during optical scanning to securely hold either the Adaption-mini adapter/FlexiVision-mini ITO sample slide or the FlexiMass™-SR1 Stainless steel sample plate. Ensures the sample slide surface does not contact the scanner surface
3 FlexiMass-SR1 reusable metal sample plates (4 plates) Reusable* FlexiMass format, engraved with the accessible sample area to aid mounting of samples
4 Slide mask Fits over the FlexiVision-mini ITO slides during matrix coating or tissue mounting to clearly identify the usable target area
5 Adaption-mini ITO glass slide adapter Custom glass slide holder for use with the FlexiVision-mini ITO slides
  MALDI Solutions™ imaging acquisition license Provides the imaging acquisition wizard to co-register the optical image and define the area to be acquired
  IonView™ MALDI imaging software license Software for processing MALDI images. Reads data directly from MALDI Solutions


* follow appropriate washing procedure.


Kit usage example

Easy viewing of imaging results

The MALDI Solutions IonView software (included in kit) provides an easy workflow for routine processing of MALDI images such as snapshots, overlays and displays of regions of interest and pixel spectra.

Analysis of endogenous compounds in fingermark with 30 μm spacing

  • Sample Compounds in fingermark
    Matrix DHB, sublimated with Shimadzu iMLayer device
    Measurement region 25,600 pixels
    Measurement time Around 3.5 hours
    Experiment details Laser repetition rate of 200 Hz and 100 shots per pixel
  • Overlay of m/z 381 and m/z 384

    Overlay of m/z 381 and m/z 384

    Fingermark MALDI image (inset) from MALDI-8020 using 30 μm spacing on FlexiMass-SR1reusable metal slide. The background image is the optical scan.

Simple workflow

The workflow is simple making it amenable to new users learning the technique as well as experienced imaging users.
There are three main steps in the MALDI imaging workflow after collection of tissue sections:

  • Sample pre-treatment and MALDI matrix coating
  • MALDI data acquisition
  • MALDI data processing


Solutions are provided in each step to make an otherwise typically difficult imaging workflow into a simple, user-friendly application with a successful outcome for your laboratory.

1. Matrix coating

iMLayer and iMLayer AERO
  • Automated MALDI matrix coating devices available
  • Easy to use
  • Simple selection of pre-set methods
  • High reproducibility
  • Refined crystal size improves mass and spatial resolution and ionization efficienc

2. Data acquisition

MALDI-8020 and MALDI-8030
  • Easy to use imaging acquisition wizard
  • FastMS for higher acquisition speed
  • AeonDetector for added robustness and longevity
  • TrueClean technology for easier ion source cleaning and longer instrument up-time. 

3. Data processing


* Optional Item

  • IonView imaging viewing software is easy to use
  • Reads data directly from instrument
  • Quick to load generated IonView files
  • Separate workstation available for user convenience
  • Export to imzML (for statistical analysis in IMAGEREVEAL™ MS* imaging software)


* Not included in Benchtop MALDI-TOF Imaging Starter kit

Class-leading performance

The AeonDetector has up to 7x longer life and reduced aging rate

The AeonDetector has up to 7x longer life and reduced aging rate.

The Shimadzu imaging benchtop MALDI-TOF solution has design features well-suited to a demanding application such as MALDI imaging:

Class-leading sensitivity and mass resolution of the MALDI-8020 and MALDI-8030.


FastMS feature: the combination of the 200 Hz laser, fast sample introduction (< 3mins) and quick sample stage provides a quick analytical turnaround time (speed of up to 15 pixels per second, based on lipid imaging acquisition with mass range m/z 100-1200, 50 μm spacing and an accumulation rate of 10 shots/profile)


Robustness provided by the class-leading long lasting laser lifetime of 2 billion shots, the self-cleaning ion optics using the patented TrueClean one-click laser technology, and the longer-life AeonDetector

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